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A visual workflow builder for Google Cloud Workflows powered by AI

Combine Google Cloud services and APIs to build reliable applications, process automation, and data and machine learning pipelines.

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AI-Driven Workflow

Build Workflows Seamlessly with AI

Leverage AI to effortlessly design complete workflows or streamline individual steps. Our tool enables intuitive, AI-assisted creation, making complex process automation simple and accessible for all skill levels.


Real-Time Collaboration for Teams

Enhance team synergy with real-time collaboration features. Our platform allows seamless integration and interaction, enabling teams to co-create and manage workflows together efficiently.

Cloud Functions
Cloud Memorystore for Memcached
Cloud Run
Storage Transfer
Cloud IoT
Cloud Data Fusion
Dataproc Metastore
Secret Manager
AlloyDB for PostgreSQL
BigQuery Data Transfer
Cloud Scheduler
Database Migration
Vertex AI
Service Directory
Cloud Translation
API Gateway
Certificate Manager
Cloud Tasks
GKE Backup
Network Connectivity
Cloud Spanner
VM Migration
Apigee Registry
Cloud Audit Logs
Compute Engine
Cloud SQL
Workflow Executions
Cloud Build
Kubernetes Engine
Document AI
Application Integration
Cloud Memorystore for Redis
Cloud Storage
Firebase AlertsFirebase Alerts
Firebase DatabaseFirebase Realtime DB
Firebase Remote ConfigFirebase Remote Config
Firebase Test LabFirebase Test Lab

Seamless Workflow Integration with Google Cloud & Firebase

Connect effortlessly with a wide array of popular Google Cloud Platform products and services. Our platform ensures smooth integration, enhancing your workflow's functionality and efficiency.


Discover Pre-Built Workflow Templates

Explore our range of ready-to-use templates to easily start and customize your workflows, saving time and effort.

Connector for Cloud Scheduler

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Scheduler within a workflow.

Execute a Cloud Run job that processes event data saved in Cloud Storage

Use Workflows to execute a Cloud Run job as part of a workflow that processes event data saved in Cloud Storage.

Connector for Cloud Tasks

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Tasks within a workflow.

Assign variables

Assigns string and number values to variables. Variable assignments are executed sequentially.

Connector for Compute Engine

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Compute Engine within a workflow.

Connector for Kubernetes Engine

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access a Kubernetes Engine container-based application within a workflow.

Write to Firestore through an HTTP request

Makes an authenticated request within a workflow, using OAuth 2.0 to write to Firestore.

Connector for Workflows definitions

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Workflows definitions.

Connector for Transcoder

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Transcoder within a workflow.

Implicitly step to the next workflow step

Executes the steps of a workflow in the order that they appear in the workflow definition.

Connector for Cloud Resource Manager

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Resource Manager within a workflow.